You would like to rent a cargobike to transport furnitures, luggage, musical instruments, books, tools? To share a  convivial and nice ride with friends or family? Check our Cargobike Sharing Platform!

The system operates on a non-profit basis with the goal of making different types of cargobikes and trailers available around the city for the citizens and organisations. It is based on donation and self-organisation.
The system was developed in cooperation with a German collective located in Cologne which has allowed over 70 different initiatives in Germany, Austria, and now Hungary to make use of an open-source booking platform which has been regularly updated after its initial launch. We are currently having discussions with several partners and citizens to extend the number of bikes and locations. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in lending a cargobike or trailer which can be used in the system or helping establish a new host site in a community accessible space. Also feel free to make a donation to support us.

List of partners and bikes:


  • II. Janos Pal papa tér – Hampi Cargo, Mastiff, Piros Utanfuto, Kék Szöcske Cargo, Zöld Szöcske Cargo
  • Golya Közösségi Haz – Pink Szöcske Cargo, Kerékpar Utanfuto és babakocsi egyben
  • Cyclonomia, Bertalan Lajos 24-26, 1111 – Narancs Szöcske Cargo