Community Cargobike Sharing in Budapest

On the 29th of March we officially launched the Közteher – community cargobike sharing system. Around 100 friends and guests joined our party which also served as an opportunity to meet with new potential partners and hosts of bikes.
The system operates on a non-profit basis with the goal of making different types of cargobikes and trailers available around the city for the citizens and organisations. It is based on donation and self-organisation.
The system was developed in cooperation with a German collective located in Cologne which has allowed over 70 different initiatives in Germany, Austria, and now Hungary to make use of an open-source booking platform which has been regularly updated after its initial launch.
At this stage we offer six cargobikes and three trailers in four different host sites in Buda and Pest.
We are currently having discussions with several partners and citizens to extend the number of bikes and locations. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in lending a cargobike or trailer which can be used in the system or helping establish a new host site in a community accessible space. Also feel free to make a donation to support us.
With cargobikes and trailers you can transport furniture, all the necessities for a picnic, musical instruments, books or tools… It is also a convivial way to share a nice ride with your children or your dog!

Since launching, the available cargobikes and trailers have been borrowed already 20 times and interest for them has grown with the arrival of spring.
We also successfuly particpated in the I bike Budapest parade and organized the first I Cargobike Budapest in cooperation with the event organizers. We have also continued regular public events which teach people how to use cargobikes for the first time in both Budapest and the village of Zsambok.

Cargonomia is a non-profit organisation supporting local organic food production, rural / urban dialogue and cooperation, sustainable transport solutions and education, research on degrowth, transition, sustainability, well-being, democracy and alternative economic systems.
More information here:

List of partners and bikes:

  • Humusz Haz, Saru utca 11, 1111 – Blue Short John
  • Das Nest Hostel, Akácfa utca 10, 1072 – Amsterdam Tricycle
  • Central European University, Oktober 6th Utca 7, 1051 – Pink Short John
  • Cargonomia, Dembinszky Utca 32, 1071 – Hampi Long John, Trailer, Dog Carrying Trailer
  • Cyclonomia, Bertalan Lajos 24-26, 1111 – Orange Short John

Cargonomia team
Follow us here.